We specialize in helping local businesses who are frustrated with local advertising and want an affordable way to attract more customers to their business.
Ebby Halliday Realtors, Guardian Mortgage, Dallas Zoo, YMCA, Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake and many local private schools, contractors, architects, banks, dental offices and “mom and pop” retailers have discovered that BubbleLife offers one place they can reliably connect with local customers.
- More than 200,000 people in the DFW area, get local news from BubbleLife.
- More than 60,000 receive our daily email newsletter.
- 24/7 real-time delivery to 60 community news websites.
BubbleLife is on the cutting edge of local news and our advertising is equally progressive! If you want to reach a quality audience with consistent visibility daily that can be GEO targeted, BubbleLife is your only choice.
Email us today at sales@bubblelife.advicelocal.com or call 469-617-4155 for more details.
About Our Advertising
As people become more fragmented among various online destinations, the only real constant is where they live. BubbleLife gives advertisers the one place they can reliably connect with their local customers.
Our advertising leverages the power of BubbleLife.com’s delivery of local news — online 24/7 and daily by email. This gives a local businesses tremendous exposure opportunity, with online and email ads, on a very affordable and consistent basis.
Our circulation is built around movers and shakers in the community. We introduce our social news approach first to community leaders, civic groups, school boards, city officials, volunteers, PTA presidents, and local businesses, and engage them by providing a place to connect the community together in one place — not only to find their local news but also to share their neighborhood news.
- Gender – Mostly Female (60%)
- Age – Middle Aged
- Household – 40% with children | 60% without
- Income – More Affluent
- Education – Graduate and Post Graduate Education
Standard Ad Package

Basic Featured Ad
- The Standard featured online banner ad is located below the featured articles on the front page of the news website and all interior pages.
- This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: 728p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI
Front Page Ad
- This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
- Position changes as the page is refreshed.
- SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI
Text Ad
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
- The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
Pricing by Individual Communities starts at $250per month. Click here for more information
Pricing by Advertising Zones starts at $199 per month. Click here for more information
Premium Ad Package
Tower Featured Ad
- The Premium featured online banner ad is a large Tower Ad on the right-hand side of the front page and all interior pages of the news website.
- This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: 336 x 600 pixels at 72 DPI
Front Page Ad
- This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
- Position changes as the page is refreshed.
- SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI
Text Ad
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
- The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
Pricing by Individual Communities starts at $250 per month. Click here for more information
Exclusive Sponsorship Package
Permanent Top Position Ad on Front Page & All Interior Pages
- The exclusive sponsorship is provided to one advertiser.
- A large banner ad is permanently (static) displayed on the top of the front page and all interior pages of the news website.
- Advertiser may submit multiple ads for rotation in this location.
- SPECS: 1000p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI
Permanent Top Position Text Ad in Every Daily Newsletter
- Your text ad is in the top position of every daily newsletter.
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter.
- Advertiser may provide multiple ads for rotation in the location.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
We specialize in helping local businesses who are frustrated with local advertising and want an affordable way to attract more customers to their business.
Ebby Halliday Realtors, Guardian Mortgage, Dallas Zoo, YMCA, Doctors Hospital at White Rock Lake and many local private schools, contractors, architects, banks, dental offices and “mom and pop” retailers have discovered that BubbleLife offers one place they can reliably connect with local customers.
- More than 200,000 people in the DFW area, get local news from BubbleLife.
- More than 60,000 receive our daily email newsletter.
- 24/7 real-time delivery to 60 community news websites.
BubbleLife is on the cutting edge of local news and our advertising is equally progressive! If you want to reach a quality audience with consistent visibility daily that can be GEO targeted, BubbleLife is your only choice.
Email us today at sales@bubblelife.advicelocal.com or call 469-617-4155 for more details.
About Our Advertising
As people become more fragmented among various online destinations, the only real constant is where they live. BubbleLife gives advertisers the one place they can reliably connect with their local customers.
Our advertising leverages the power of BubbleLife.com’s delivery of local news — online 24/7 and daily by email. This gives a local businesses tremendous exposure opportunity, with online and email ads, on a very affordable and consistent basis.
Our circulation is built around movers and shakers in the community. We introduce our social news approach first to community leaders, civic groups, school boards, city officials, volunteers, PTA presidents, and local businesses, and engage them by providing a place to connect the community together in one place — not only to find their local news but also to share their neighborhood news.
- Gender – Mostly Female (60%)
- Age – Middle Aged
- Household – 40% with children | 60% without
- Income – More Affluent
- Education – Graduate and Post Graduate Education
Standard Ad Package

Basic Featured Ad
- The Standard featured online banner ad is located below the featured articles on the front page of the news website and all interior pages.
- This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: 728p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI
Front Page Ad
- This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
- Position changes as the page is refreshed.
- SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI
Text Ad
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
- The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
Pricing by Individual Communities starts at $250 per month. Click here for more information
Premium Ad Package
Tower Featured Ad
- The Premium featured online banner ad is a large Tower Ad on the right-hand side of the front page and all interior pages of the news website.
- This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: 336 x 600 pixels at 72 DPI
Front Page Ad
- This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
- Position changes as the page is refreshed.
- SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI
Text Ad
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
- The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternates equally with other advertisers.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
Pricing by Individual Communities starts at $500 per month. Click here for more information
Exclusive Sponsorship Package
Permanent Top Position Ad on Front Page & All Interior Pages
- The exclusive sponsorship is provided to one advertiser.
- A large banner ad is permanently (static) displayed on the top of the front page and all interior pages of the news website.
- Advertiser may submit multiple ads for rotation in this location.
- SPECS: 1000p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI
Permanent Top Position Text Ad in Every Daily Newsletter
- Your text ad is in the top position of every daily newsletter.
- This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter.
- Advertiser may provide multiple ads for rotation in the location.
- SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words
Pricing for Individual Communities starts at $1000 per month.
Email us at sales@bubblelife.advicelocal.com or call 469-617-4155 for pricing information.
Pop Up Website Ad
- This full-page magazine ad may be added to any package or purchased as a stand-alone ad.
- The ad is presented each time a user first visits the news website, typically on the first or second click.
- It can hold a large graphic, message, coupon and/or incentive.
- SPECS: 1024p x 1024 pixels
Email us at sales@bubblelife.advicelocal.com or call 469-617-4155 for pricing information.