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Local BubbleLife Advertising by Community

Our advertising leverages the power of’s delivery of local news online 24/7 and daily by email.  This gives a local businesses tremendous exposure opportunity, with online and email ads, on a very consistent basis which is very affordable.

BubbleLife is a network of 60 online news websites and each has it’s own daily email newsletter.  Over 200,000 people get their local news from

  • Our  online ads are billboards in the neighborhood, positioned alongside neighborhood news, on the news website. People browse by your ads instead of driving by!
  • Our email ads are sent out daily in our email newsletters.  Just like a daily newspaper with the most recent news from the past 24 hours but instead of dropping on door steps, we deliver to 70,000 inboxes every day.

Are you connecting the dots?  Your ads are working online for you 24/7 and daily by email.

Advertisers have the option of advertising in single communities (a la carte) or selecting one or more “advertising zones” for GEO targeting and customizing their reach.

Email us today at or call 469-617-4155 for more details.

Standard Featured Ad

Standard Ads_ small

The Standard featured online banner ad is located below the featured articles on the front page and all interior pages of the news website, above the fold.

  • This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
  • This ad is featured on the all pages of the news website and changes as the page is refreshed.
  • SPECS:  728p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI

Front Page Ad

This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website and changes position as the page is refreshed.

  • SPECS:  336p x 75 pixels at 72 dpi

Text Ad

The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternatives equally with other advertisers.

  • This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
  • Advertiser may submit multiple ads for this location.
  • SPECS:  Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body:  40 Words

Premium Featured Ad


The Premium featured online banner ad is a large Tower Ad  on the right hand side of the front page and all interior pages of the news website, above the fold.

  • This ad is randomly shown and alternates equally with other advertisers.
  • This ad is featured on several interior pages too.
  • SPECS:  336p x 600 pixels at 72 DPI

Front Page Ad

This ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website and changes position as the page is refreshed.

  • SPECS:  336p x 75 pixels at 72 dpi

Text Ad

The text ad is randomly shown as a featured advertiser and alternatives equally with other advertisers.

  • This ad is emailed out daily in our email newsletter and is also displayed on the news website.
  • Advertiser may submit multiple ads for this location.
  • SPECS:  Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body:  40 Words

Available Communities