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Money Back Guarantee

Money Back Guarantee

We Want You Extremely Happy!

We work very hard to make sure BubbleLife gives you the community experience you expect and we want to make sure that you are extremely happy with the services we offer. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with your purchase please contact us so we can remedy the situation. Please read below for the details.

If you become a paying BubbleLife customer and you are not satisfied for any reason and cancel your BubbleLife advertising or Advice Connect account, we will refund 100% of your first monthly payment via the same method you used to make your payment (either to the credit card you used to sign up for your account or via check to the name and address we have on file). Our money-back guarantee is only available to new, paying BubbleLife customers who at all times abide by our Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy and have not taken advantage of the money-back guarantee in the past. To take advantage of the money-back guarantee, you must contact us within 30 days from the date you first made your purchase and request your refund by calling us at 469-617-4155. BubbleLife Media LLC reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to suspend or cancel this offer at any time.