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BubbleLife Internships

BubbleLife Intern Program

Sharpen your skills and build your résumé as a writer or photographer.

Interested in Becoming the Best?

We don’t blame you who wouldn’t want their work shared with hundreds of thousands of readers? We would love to help you build your writing or photography portfolio and showcase your original content online. We provide a structured eight-week program designed to improve your digital communication skills.

If you are a high school or college student with goals of becoming a writer, reporter or photographer, or a student just looking to boost your résumé, we welcome you to contribute to any of our news websites.

Although the internship is unpaid, participants will gain real-world experience in their local communities, learn to take quality photos to be featured on, receive training on journalism standards and ethics and practice managing the pressure of professional journalism deadlines.

We strive to mold our interns as more than writers, interviewers and photographers. We provide insight in new media and teach you to brand yourself in an evolving industry. If you want to learn what it takes to thrive in modern media, we can teach you.

For Photographers Too!

Whether you’re a trained photographer or someone who earns dozens of “Likes” on Instagram, you could be a BubbleLife photography intern. We offer an special eight-week Photography Internship Program that provides an online platform for your work.

Participants will learn to manage their camera, experiment with different assignments and themes and have the opportunity to develop their own style as a photographer. This internship provides enough instruction to allow you to grow, and enough freedom to allow you to thrive as an artist. If you’re ready for an adventure in photography, sign up to a be a BubbleLife intern.

Why You Should Intern For BubbleLife

  • As one of the largest networks of local news, your work will be seen and read.
  • You’ll be getting valuable work experience a must for any college or high school student. Make sure your résumé stands out; write for BubbleLife.
  • Your work will be edited by experienced editors and writers. Cheers to learning new things about grammar, story structure and more!
  • There’s no such thing as over-submitting! You can write as much as you want.
  • You’ll get your very own free Advice Connect site, where you’ll post your stories and have a personal portfolio page.

As if you needed one more reason, check out what some of our past interns had to say about working with BubbleLife:

“Working as an intern with BubbleLife has been an awesome experience. Over the course of the eight-week program, I greatly improved my writing and found my voice. Each assignment was a worthwhile experience that granted me the opportunity to explore many topics of journalism, discover my favorites and build upon my weaknesses. BubbleLife offers an amazing workspace where you may work from home or ask to work in the office, where the staff is very amiable and helpful. This internship provided me with my first glances of professional journalism and I can’t wait to use what knowledge I have gathered at school this year. Thank you BubbleLife for an awesome summer!” 
-Justin Rubenstein, Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas, Summer 2014 Intern
“I am honestly so glad that the day my newspaper advisor suggested that I write for Coppell BubbleLife, I took him up on the opportunity. That one click of a button completely changed who I am as a writer, and only for the better. I am so blessed to have gotten to write stories outside of my school, because through this internship I have grown to be a reporter who takes information in stride. Writing about my community has given me a sense of pride and I am touched to represent my fellow citizens through my articles. BubbleLife has given me numerous skills that I can utilize in the real world, and getting to have feedback from professional journalists has helped me create the best stories I know I could be producing. From digging for details on a story, to reading the amazing stories of fellow high school interns, it has truly been an honor to write for the best: BubbleLife.” 
-Summer Swerdlin Crawford, Spring 2014 Intern
“My experience with BubbleLife was absolutely wonderful. Having a set topic per each deadline gave me the experience of writing a variety of articles instead of sticking to a topic I am more comfortable with. Juggling two to three stories a week between BubbleLife and The Sidekick at Coppell High School became difficult at times, but with practice I learned how to manage both jobs. I would recommend that all aspiring journalists work with the BubbleLife Internship Program. It teaches you great skills such as meeting deadlines, interviewing and improving yourself to write more thoughtful, interesting stories.” 
-Sloane Avery Samberson, Spring 2014 Intern
“My time at BubbleLife has been a great one! Everyone has been so helpful and it has truly made writing for this publication amazing. BubbleLife has given me a feel of what the journalism world will be like in the future and has given me more of a drive to pursue this career. I appreciate the positive feedback that you gave me for each story!” 
-Tolu Salako, Coppell High School, Fall 2012 Intern
“My experience at BubbleLife has honestly been incredible, and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to intern at BubbleLife. I feel like it has made me a better writer and journalist overall. I know how to operate under a solid deadline and feel like that has prepared me to work in the future. I would just like to thank everyone for giving me this amazing opportunity. I am incredibly honored and humbled to have had this experience.”
-Elizabeth Sims, Coppell High School, Fall 2012 Intern

Need Some Story Ideas?

Don’t know what you should write about? Click here for a list of story ideas.