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Internships – What to Write About

I’m a BubbleLife Intern! Now What Do I Write About?

Hopefully you read the BubbleLife Internship page and filled out the contact form there.

You’re thinking to yourself, ‘self, this whole BubbleLife internship sounds kind of great. I’m sold. Now… what the heck do I write about?’ Glad you asked.

Here are 50 ideas to get you started:

  1. Local restaurant/coffee shop reviews
  2. Book reviews (preferably written by local authors)
  3. Film reviews
  4. Local museum reviews
  5. Local concert reviews (professional, college or high school)
  6. Sporting event recaps (college or high school)
  7. City construction projects
  8. Community service projects
  9. Local politicians
  10. Local church events
  11. Interesting local businesses
  12. School events (fine arts, academic, etc.)
  13. Local crime trends
  14. Features on local nonprofit organizations
  15. Features on school officials (teacher or superintendent spotlight)
  16. Original, unique recipes
  17. Holiday-themed stories/features
  18. Features on local fire/police personnel
  19. Local event previews (parades, plays, 5Ks, festivals, cooking classes, charity events, etc.)
  20. Library events
  21. Parks and Rec events (through the city, YMCA, etc.)
  22. Off-the-wall school clubs/activities (think Quidditch team or Left Handers Club, etc.)
  23. Local fashion trends
  24. Profiles of students with unique hobbies
  25. Game day previews/predictions
  26. Features on social media networks (what do students at your high school/college use?)
  27. News stories on campus politics
  28. Editorials (current events including local politics, etc.)
  29. Reports on campus phenomenons, crime
  30. Profiles of professors
  31. Local weather stories (only if there’s a trend or extreme weather conditions)
  32. National stories spun locally (e.g. ask local experts how Obamacare affects Plano residents)
  33. Features on local landmarks
  34. Review of local historical events (5 years ago, on this day in Coppell…)
  35. Health stories (local trend stories, e.g. How to Avoid the Flu in Richardson)
  36. Fitness trend stories (how do people work out in your neighborhood? Trails, boot camps, etc.?)
  37. Profiles on animal owners
  38. “Listicles” (top 7 places for sweet treats in Arlington, etc.)
  39. Profiles on PTA moms, homeschooling moms, or moms with 7+ children
  40. Technology/gadget reviews (make sure it has a local spin! e.g. how to use this gadget in Highland Park ISD schools, etc.)
  41. Christmas/Valentine’s/Mother’s Day gift ideas (local)
  42. Profiles on unique neighborhood family (e.g. frequent travelers, extensive holiday decorators, etc.)
  43. How-tos (must be unique)
  44. Blog posts on unique undertakings (have you started a liquid cleanse, ditched a car for public transportation, etc.? Write about it).
  45. Activity ideas for different seasons (fun local things for summer, Christmas, etc.)
  46. Profiles on interesting peer (friend who sews own clothes, started a business, etc.)
  47. Real estate profiles (discuss interesting architecture of home, campus building, history, etc.)
  48. Profiles on religious leaders
  49. Features on school diversity
  50. Response stories (answer a question from someone in the community: e.g. What should a high school lacrosse player eat to stay fit?, What new restaurants are coming to Frisco?)

There are stories all around you. Just pay attention, listen to what’s going on around you, be bold, ask questions and take notes.

Your stories should always be posted with photos. You should either take your own photos while interviewing the necessary sources for the story or obtain permission to use one from the person you’re working with. If for some reason you have tried but can’t access a photo, let us know and we will take care of it. YOU ARE NOT PERMITTED TO PULL PHOTOS OFF THE INTERNET, so please don’t try.

Sign up for Advice Connect under the neighborhood of your choice, using your personal email and the format “Name – BubbleLife Contributor,” which is the official title that will appear on your Connect site and directory page.

For further questions, email We look forward to seeing your work!