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Get Noticed Faster

Reinventing Local Marketing

Whether you’re a volunteer or business owner, time is in critically short supply. Yet, to get your word out, you have to spend time with numerous websites, social media accounts and tool sites such as email or text messaging. Each extra step means less time for everything else that needs to be done. Advice Connect fixes that by bringing all these tools together in one place and takes the time required to minutes rather than hours.

Advice Connect – 12 Ways To Get Noticed Faster!

  1. A Faster Way to Get In Front of Local Customers
    Reach out to local customers by sharing your articles and events on local news sites.
  2. A Faster Way to Get in Front of Google Searchers
    Your articles and events automatically get your business or organization noticed by Google searchers with built-in SEO optimization.
  3. A Faster Way to Email Customers
    Don’t spend days hassling with email templates. Send great-looking, mobile-optimized email blasts with the click of a button.
  4. A Faster Way to Send Social Media
    Schedule multiple posts at one time to multiple destinations all with one log in to remember.
  5. A Faster Way to Schedule Appointments
    Offer your customers the convenience of booking appointments online.
  6. A Faster Way to Send Text Message Blasts
    Build your text list and send text message blasts with almost no effort. Unique mobile couponing builds your list fast.
  7. A Faster Way to Capture Leads
    Built in “landing pages” make it easy to create unique web destinations for special offers or events.
  8. A Faster Way to Stay in Control
    Totally integrated reporting gives you a complete picture of all your online efforts including PR, email, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Yelp and even your own website and Google Adwords efforts.
  9. A Faster Way to Launch a Website
    Right from the start you’ll have a best practices, SEO optimized website that you can even label with your own domain name.
  10. A Faster Way to Send Surveys
    Built in surveys give you the ability to keep customers and contacts engaged with your business.
  11. A Faster Way to Handle Multiple Accounts
    Advice Connect integrates everything into a single log in, even if you are working with multiple clients or Connect Sites.
  12. A Faster Way to Get Started
    Our Getting Noticed checklist gets you connected to your community quickly.