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CB Construction Case Study

CB Construction Case Study

Chris Black is the owner of CB Construction, a boutique design build construction firm that implemented BubbleLife Connect to reach more customers locally.

“My best leads come from using BubbleLife Connect. The lead quality was better using BubbleLife than Google AdWords, and much less expensive.” – Chris Black

The Problem

As a contractor who prides himself on doing outstanding work in his local area, a downturn in construction hit CB Construction especially hard. Chris wanted to generate new business but not at the expense of changing his philosophy or expanding his geographic base.

The Solution

BubbleLife’s first step was to streamline lead handling so that it was easier for customers to contact Chris and for him to quickly follow-up. Integrating BubbleLife Connect’s lead management system into CB Construction’s existing website solved both of these problems. The next step was to make sure that every previous customer was linked through social media or email. By integrating his Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts into BubbleLife Connect’s social media and importing his leads from Constant Contact into BubbleLife Connect’s email, BubbleLife was able to help Chris reach existing customers much easier than before with a more professional approach.

With his website and communication efforts streamlined, CB Construction’s marketing assistant writes one article per month on specific remodeling topics or highlights a customer’s before and after experience. Using BubbleLife Connect, articles are simultaneously posted to for local PR and CB Construction’s Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter accounts. In addition, the article is emailed from BubbleLife Connect directly to his customer and contact database to stay in front of past clients for referrals or additional work. This process took only about five minutes to complete for each article.

monthly flow

Then to increase his visibility, CB Construction started advertising on BubbleLife news sites in his service areas. These ads, along with his articles, gave CB Construction a consistent presence in front of its key geographic and demographic audience.

The Results

CB Construction has seen outstanding results from following this method consistently for three years. They have seen not only more leads, but better quality leads, which have resulted into multiple conversions and increased revenues. And, with three years worth of content, CB Construction also gets the benefit of excellent Google search rankings on a number of topics related to local construction.

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