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Advice Connect FAQs

BubbleLife Connect FAQs


How do the ads work and rotate on the news website and email newsletter?



Native Text Ad (6)

  • This ad is emailed out daily to the community email database in the daily newsletter.
  • This ad is text only and appears at the top of our news content in the daily newsletter.
  • SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words

Website Sponsorship Ad (1)

  • The wide banner ad is located at the top of the front page and all interior pages of the news website – above the featured articles.
  • SPECS: 1000p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI  


  • Monthly Minimum: $1,000
  • Depending on your budget, we will guarantee a specific number of impressions (number of times we show your ads).
  • Advertiser may select one or an unlimited number of BubbleLife Communities for campaign.

Premium Package

Native Text Ad (7) (8)

  • This ad is emailed out daily to a portion of our email database – rotates with other advertisers.
  • This ad is displayed on the news websites – rotates with other advertisers.
  • This ad is text only and appears within our newsletter to look like an article.
  • SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words

Website Tower Ad (2)

  • The tower ad is located on the right-hand side of the front page.
  • The tower ad rotates with other advertisers on the front page of the news website and all interior website pages.
  • SPECS: 336p x 600 pixels at 72 DPI

Website Side Bar Ad (4)

  • The Side Bar Ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
  • The Side Bar Ad rotates with other advertisers on the interior pages.
  • The position of the Side Bar Ad changes as the page is refreshed.
  • SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI


  • Monthly Minimum: $750
  • Depending on your budget, we will guarantee a specific number of impressions (number of times we show your ads).
  • Advertiser may select one or an unlimited number of BubbleLife Communities for campaign.

Standard Package

Native Text Ad (7) (8)

  • This ad is emailed out daily to a portion of our email database – rotates with other advertisers.
  • This ad is displayed on the news websites – rotates with other advertisers.
  • This ad is text only and appears within our newsletter to look like an article.
  • SPECS: Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body: 40 Words

Website Ad (3)

  • The wide banner ad is located below the featured articles on the front page.
  • The wide banner ad rotates with other advertisers on the front page of the news website and all interior website pages.
  • SPECS: 728p x 90 pixels at 72 DPI

Website Side Bar Ad (4)

  • The Side Bar Ad is permanently located on the front page of the news website.
  • The Side Bar Ad rotates with other advertisers on the interior pages.
  • The position of the Side Bar Ad changes as the page is refreshed.
  • SPECS: 336p x 75 pixels at 72 DPI


  • Monthly Minimum: $500
  • Depending on your budget, we will guarantee a specific number of impressions (number of times we show your ads).
  • Advertiser may select one or an unlimited number of BubbleLife Communities for campaign.

Intersticial Ad

Popup Ad (9)

  • The Pop-Up Ad is presented to every website visitor when he/she first visits, typically on the first or second click.
  • This full-page magazine ad is sized for a large graphic, message, coupon and/or promotion.
  • SPECS: 1024p x 1024 pixels at 72 DPI


  • Monthly Minimum: $750
  • Depending on your budget, we will guarantee a specific number of impressions (number of times we show your ads).
  • Advertiser may select one or an unlimited number of BubbleLife Communities for campaign.


What are the ad specs and sizes?


  • SPONSORSHIP SPECS:  1000p x 90 pixels
  • MOBILE SPONSORSHIP AD: 320p x 50 pixels
  • TEXT AD SPECS:  Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body:  40 Words

Premium Ad Package

  • TOWER AD SPECS: 336p x 600 pixels
  • FRONT PAGE AD SPECS:  336p x 75 pixels
  • TEXT AD SPECS:  Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body:  40 Words

Standard Ad Package

  • WIDE AD SPECS: 728p x 90 pixels
  • FRONT PAGE AD SPECS:  336p x 75 pixels
  • TEXT AD SPECS:  Title: 40 Characters with Spacing | Body:  40 Words

Pop Up Ad

  • 1024p x 1024 pixels

How do I write a good “native” text ad for my business?

A text ad acts as a “native” ad for your business in BubbleLife’s daily newsletter and homepage. Designed to make a viewer click, thinking they are going to read an article to learn more.   Some text ads provide very strong calls to action to them to click to see more of call your phone number.

HEADLINE: 40 character headline (spaces included)

Make sure to write a content-centric, catchy headline that will draw viewers’ attention.

Good: “Combining Medicine Helps Manage Pain”
Bad: “Call Architect John Smith”

PARAGRAPH: 40 word maximum

For the body of the text ad, include useful, interesting information. However, refrain from offering too much information, as you’re looking for the viewer to find out more by clicking the link to your website or landing page. Include a strong call to action to incentivize viewers to click the link provided.

Make sure the ad links to your website or a landing page with a lead capture form to collect visitor information for follow-up.

See the following examples of good text ads:

Combining Medicine Helps Manage Pain
For pain management, the Kotsanis Institute combines traditional and functional medicine with nutrition.
Click here to learn how to make your pain go away.

More Mosquito Pools Testing Positive West Nile Virus is in Dallas
It’s time to do everything to protect your property. PestFix is offering 3 months of QuickNix Mosquito Yard Fogging and Granular Treatment service with a 72 hour “rain check” for only $150.00. Click or call for more details. 972-331-5356

What information do I need to know about creating a good ad?

A good digital advertisement needs to do two things:

  1. Give viewers something to remember
  2. Give viewers something to do.

The better you are at getting these two things right, the better the ad performs.

Something to Remember
Even if viewers don’t react to the ad the first time they see it, they still see it. So, a good ad gives viewers something to remember. Then, when they need your product or service or are looking for something to do, they’ll recall the ad from memory. A name and a good tag line work together to get this done. For example:

  • “Smith Plumbing – Best Plumber in the City”
  • “Acme Dental – Voted #1 Dentist”
  • “Jones Realty – Most Knowledgeable in the Market”
  • “School Carnival – The most fun you’ll have this weekend”

Good graphics and a clean layout help make the message standout.

Something to Do
The second most important thing in a digital ad is to give the viewer something to do. This is called a call-to-action. The better the call to action, the better the response to the ad. For example:

  • “Click here for 40% off your first visit”
  • “Call today for a free consultation”
  • “Download our whitepaper on buying a home in Dallas”
  • “Contact us to learn more”
  • “Click here for details”

Don’t Forget Follow-Through
Don’t forget that when a viewer clicks on your ad, they’ll expect something that follows up on the call-to-action. If your call-to-action is for a 40% off coupon, then the next page should ask them for an email address to receive the coupon. The worst thing you can do is take a good strong call-to-action and then direct them to the front page of your website where they are left wondering what to do next. Always try to look at the ad from a new customer’s standpoint and think “does this make sense?”

Remember that BubbleLife Connect let’s you easily create landing pages that can be used as ad destinations.

Designing Your Ad
If you have someone design your ad, here’s a quick list of questions to answer that helps get the best layout and determine the best call-to-action:

Basic Details

  1. Company, Organization or Event Name
  2. Phone Number (if applicable)
  3. Address (including location relative to other larger businesses or intersections)
  4. Start and End Dates (if applicable)
  5. Website or landing page URL
  6. Graphics including logos and pictures of storefronts, interiors, activities, previous works, owner or employees.

Previous Ad Experiences

  1. Samples of previous ads with good results
  2. Messages you’ve used in brochures, mailers or emails

Marketing Questions to Help

  1. How would you describe your business, organization or event in one sentence?
  2. How do you describe this to friends?
  3. Why do customers choose you over competitors?
  4. Why would a new customer choose your business?
  5. What is the most typical service you provide?
  6. What is the most profitable service you provide?
  7. What does a typical customer look like?
  8. How long have you been in business?
  9. Have you received any awards or recognitions?

What is the relationship between BubbleLife and its Marketing Partners?

BubbleLife Marketing Partners are independent agents are not supervised or monitored by BubbleLife. We make a list of these partners available for your convenience so that you can find a partner that is a good fit for your business and needs.

Can I import data from my current solution?

Yes, you can import your contact and leads information from most online marketing tools including Constant Contact, Vertical Response, Mailchimp, Infusionsoft and Hubspot to name a few. If you would like help, please contact us so that we can walk your through the process.

What if I don’t have many email addresses?

BubbleLife Connect is designed to help you build your email address list by funneling your personal email contacts, web leads, emails, landing page responses, appointments, mobile coupons and more into your email marketing list. You might be surprised how many email addresses you have once you start looking. With BubbleLife Connect you’ll have all your valuable customer information consolidated in one place.

Can I keep using current email solution with Advice Connect?

You can, but we think you’ll find that BubbleLife Connect’s built-in email capabilities give you the same features, plus:

  • Easier and faster email creation and sending
  • Lead scoring to identify your best customers
  • Lead nurturing for automated and personal email sending
  • Built-in link tracking for better understanding and analytics
  • Easier capture and import of customer email contact information

When you factor in your time and the benefits of an integrated approach, you’ll find that BubbleLife Connect pays for itself just in making you more productive. Then it generates better results through integrated reporting and the more frequent use that comes with an easier-to-use product.

Is my data safe?

Yes, your BubbleLife data is backed up every night at our secured hosting facility.

Can I download my contact list?

Yes, you can download your email contacts and leads any time you want.

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