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Website Integration

Website Integration

Take your website to the next level.

It’s important that the tools you use to market your business work well with your existing website. This keeps your costs lower and preserves your previous investments. The more your tools extend, rather than replace, your website, the easier, quicker and more affordable they are to use.

Why Advice Connect?

Advice Connect is designed to work with your existing website to add features and capabilities that don’t require a web developer. With Advice Connect, you can easily:

  • Add an email signup form
  • Book appointments
  • Add a contact us form
  • Add a survey
  • Let visitors sign up for special offers
  • Register for a class or event
  • Provide an event calendar
  • Display your news and blogs posts
“The sign up forms make it so easy for my visitors to sign up for my newsletter.” – Candy Evans,
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